providing a little extra help
Yorkshire Agoonoree 2014
Playing Jenga

What is an additional need?

An additional need is any personal condition or situation that could make it more difficult for a young person or adult to participate fully in Scouting.

It is recognised that as many as one in five young people may have additional needs and Scouting is no different. Many groups have young people that may need a little extra support to ensure that they get everything possible from their experience of the movement.

Scouting For All

Scouting exists to promote the development of individuals, whatever their particular need, by helping them to grow and achieve their full potential. By identifying and providing for an individual’s additional need(s), we can include more young people and adults in Scouting.

Younger people, particularly at Beaver Scout age,may have additional needs that are less pronounced, not identified or not diagnosed and require only a little support. As the young person grows older, however, their particular needs may become more pronounced. This could lead to difficulties in participating in the programme, requiring extra support.

Supporting Additional Needs

Whilst we try to encourage all young people to be part of mainstream Scouting, we recognise that for various reasons this may not always be possible and within the City of Hull District, we have a group which specialise in special and additional needs.. The leaders of the group have many years of experience in working with such young people and can often provide additional support that may not be available to every Scout group.

You can also contact Mianna Kirby, county special needs adviser, at who will be happy to help you in any way she can!

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