County Vision and Objectives
Following the changes to the County Structure and team in 2017, we devised a vision for the County and set out objectives for the team to work towards over the coming couple of years.
The objectives set for 2019 were almost all completed and were updated towards the end of 2019 to the below, which will take us through to 2022. The objectives are designed to help us meet the requirements of our vision that we set out to achieve in 2017.
County Vision
We will develop a County that people are proud to be a part of by:
- Supporting members to deliver a high quality programme
- Developing the personal skills of our volunteers
- Creating fun and adventure for all
- Listening to the needs of our members
- Encouraging involvement of youth members at all levels
County Objectives
Our objectives are broken down into the seven areas of responsibility. The main County objectives and the six key areas, each led by a Deputy or Assistant County Commissioner (the name of whom appears next to the area). These represent the teams that are responsible for each of the objectives.
- Support volunteers within the County to enable sustainable growth and development to both existing and new provision
- Promote the visibility of the County Team
- Provide a range of international opportunities, ensuring that wherever possible (where we are in control of costs) that they are affordable and accessible to as many young people as possible
- Ensure that the County Team continues to be suitable and meets the ongoing needs of our members
- Be available to provide help and support to volunteers as required
- Promise what we’ll deliver and deliver what we promise
- Deliver modules 1 and 3 in every District once in a year
- Implement trainer monitoring across all presentation subjects, 50% covered in 2020 and the reminder in 2021.
- Put in place a compliance system and ensure compliance across all training requirements by 2021
- Trial delivery of First Response (Module 10) course over 2 or 3 weekday nights (to be accessible to those that cannot make weekends)
- Make Young Leader training accessible to more, by providing modules outside of the training weekends
- Establish a kayaking team with 'fit for purpose' County equipment and run kayaking sessions for sections in the County and support County events with water activities
- Continue to expand the process of making Top Award advice and guidance more widely available to Explorers and Network members within the County
- Ensure we are following national guidance / rules in relation to permitted activity provision
- Provide a County Programme Initiative every 2 years that gives all Sections something different to add to their Programme
- Create partnerships with local businesses and activity providers to support Section’s programmes
- Provide smaller scale events that help Leaders to deliver challenging areas of their Section’s programme
- Deliver a single event that is open to all members of the County
- Look to develop a team with shared knowledge to manage Raywell Operations (by 2022)
- Increase awareness of GDPR responsibilities and guidance
- Look at development opportunities for Raywell Park
- Schedule work days further in advance to give more people chance to plan / attend
- Continue to be involved in wider County activities / events
- Look at the piece of work by HQ on transition from Explorer to Leader with a view to developing more support around this in Humberside
- Support the delivery of the new youth shaped award to all sections in Humberside
- Encourage participation in more international events to ensure (where possible) as many young people get to take part as wish to do so
- Support our International event in 2022 which will give all members in County an opportunity to take part in an international adventure
- Encourage leaders returning from foreign trips to provide material for the County Website and FB page
- Moot21 - encourage applications from across the County for participants (18-25 yo at time of event) and IST roles when opportunities arise
Here you can download the County Structure which shows how the teams are made up and the areas of responsibility that feature under each of the teams.
Team Descriptions
Please find below the description of each area of the County Team and any sub-teams that they comprise of.
Programme Team
The Programme Team provide support with all aspects of programme delivery across all Sections. This could be with running Section meetings, top awards or adventurous activities. They also provide events best delivered at scale or those difficult to deliver locally through the Events Team.
The Programme Team also includes the Manager of the Activity Permit Scheme (MAPS) and the Visits Abroad Recommender.
Sub-teams of the Programme Team include:
- Events Team
- Network Support Team
- Permit Assessor Team
- Top Awards Team
- Water Activities Team
- Young Leader Team
Below you can find the description of each of these sub-teams.
Events Team
The Events sub-team provide events best delivered at scale and where specialist support may be required to deliver aspects of the programme. The Team provides activities for all Sections based on feedback from volunteers and young people across the County.
Network Support Team
The Network Support sub-team help facilitate and co-ordinate programme opportunities for District Network Sections or individual Network members across the County to participate in.
Permit Assessor Team
The Permit Assessor sub-team is made up of our Activity Permit Assessors. They provide training and assessment opportunities for Leaders across the County, wishing to gain an adventurous activity permit.
Top Awards Team
The Top Awards sub-team provide support to all Sections with attaining their relevant top awards.
Water Activities Team
The Water Activities sub-team provide activity days at a variety of locations, which are open to all groups in the County. The Team consists of volunteers with water based adventurous activity permits along with shore-based skills to ensure the activity days are a success.
Young Leader Team
The Young Leader sub-team deliver the Young Leader Training Scheme to Young Leaders across the County. They also provide support to adult volunteers with how to ensure Young Leaders are an effective part of their Leadership Team.
Volunteering Development Team
The County Volunteering Development Team makes sure all volunteers in County teams have a fantastic volunteering experience. By doing so, they’ll make it easy for people to join and learn new skills.
Sub-teams of the Volunteering Development Team include:
- Learning Team
- Awards & Recognition Team
Below you can find the description of each of these sub-teams.
Learning Team
The Learning sub-team plan and deliver a wide range of Training and Learning to Adults across the county. This includes Mandatory Ongoing Learning such as First Response, the modules Adult Volunteers require to achieve their Wood Badge and wider training and learning.
Awards & Recognition Team
The Awards & Recognition sub-team work to support the recognition and to show appreciation for volunteers’ brilliant work both formally and informally at all levels within Scouting.
Support Team
The County Support Team gives tools and resources to help Scouts run smoothly in their County.
Sub-teams of the Support Team include:
- Inclusion Team
- Media & Communications Team
- Rifle Shooting Team
- Comms Team
Below you can find the description of each of these sub-teams.
Inclusion Team
The Inclusion sub-team support volunteer across the County to make Scouting accessible to all.
Media & Communications Team
Communication, both internal and external, is key to support our volunteers and also grow Scouting. The sub-team will work to build relationships with external outlets to share the great things we do in Humberside Scouts.
Rifle Shooting Team
The Rifle Shooting sub-team operate the rifle shooting range at Raywell Park to enable County groups and other activity centre users to take part in shooting.
Comms Team
The Comms sub-team are a group of volunteers who provide communication solutions for events.
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Registered Charity No. 524674
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