White Ribbon Badge

We are excited to have partnered with both Jacky Bowes, former High Sheriff of the East Riding of Yorkshire and White Ribbon UK, to create the very first White Ribbon Scouts Badge!


#WhiteRibbonDay22                   @WhiteRibbon_UK                    @erhighsheriff

Jacky's aim was to bring people of all ages together to raise the profile of the issue of abuse of women and girls. We all need to be more aware and help drive changes and influence positive attitudes and behaviours from an early age. We need to call out inappropriate behaviours and have those difficult conversations.

Together we can encourage our members, young people and adults, to live by our Scouting Values. Our participation in this crucial issue will mean that together we can help develop a call to action to help champion lasting change.

As Humberside Scouts we are proud to have worked in partnership to create this badge, that we hope will go on to be used around the UK, enabling Scouts to champion lasting change.

We have created two sets of criteria for the badge, specific to the younger or older Sections, which can be found below or on the PDF download.

Please choose the criteria most suitable for your Section to complete.
For example, Scout Troops may wish to split their young people into two groups, to complete the criteria most appropriate for their age and life experiences.

Safe Space

Scouting is a safe space for everyone and whilst working towards the badge with your Section, you may need to refer to our Yellow Card - Safeguarding Code of Practice.

Please share any concerns with the Safeguarding Team In line with the Yellow Card, so we can ensure anyone who requires it, receives the help they need.


In partnership with Humberside Police and other key external agencies in the Humberside area, we have produced some additional guidance for Leaders, to use alongside our own safeguarding policy, when delivering the badge to their Sections.

White Ribbon Day

25th November is White Ribbon Day every year.

On 26th November 2022, we launched our Scouts White Ribbon Badge at Raywell Park in the presence of some influential people and press and this remains a key part of our skills4life programme for young people.

We are still encouraging Sections to join in, taking part in some of the activities from the badge, including creatively (and largely!) sharing the White Ribbon Symbol.

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High Sheriff's County Legal Service


Jacky invited Scouts to her County Legal Service on 5th March 2023, where they were awarded their White Ribbon badges.

A young person from each Section was awarded the badge having taken on board what they have learned whilst completing the badge and demonstrated by their actions that they are playing a part in championing a lasting change.

This was a first of it's kind with the presentation pf these badges being a key part in the Legal Service. 

Girlguiding White Ribbon Badge


in 2024 we were excited to share our resources and ideas with our local Guide County - East Yorkshire Girlguiding.

They too have worked in partnership with Jacky to create the first Girlguiding White Ribbon Badge that was launched on White Ribbon Day 2024!

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To help you keep track of your Section's progress as they complete the badge, we have added the criteria to Online Scout Manager.

Please go to the 'Challenge Badge' area and click 'Add Badge' in the top right. From here, search for 'White Ribbon Badge' and add it to your Section.

Once you have completed the relevant criteria for your Section, you can then order your free badges here:

Sq, Be, Cu

Here is the criteria aimed at Squirrels, Beavers and Cubs.

For the younger Sections, we want to focus on influencing positive attitudes and behaviours from an early age and sharing the message that ‘These hands are not for hurting’.

1. Share three things that our hands can be used for that make others feel happy.

2. Share three things that our hands can be used for that might make others feel sad. Discuss what we should do if someone uses their hands to make you feel sad.

3. Make a handprint, then with a partner swap them over. You should both write on the other person’s handprint, words on each finger and thumb that describes you and makes you special and unique. As a Section, then discuss why its good that we are all different.

4. Find a way to creatively share a symbol of the White Ribbon. Share a photo of this on social media!

5. Make The Scouts White Ribbon Promise. The words to this can be found using the button above or on the downloadable PDF.

1. Learn about what White Ribbon means. Share how this might now impact your daily life.

2. Wear a White Ribbon. You could make these or buy them from White Ribbon UK.

3. Make The White Ribbon Promise. The words to this can be found using the button above or on the downloadable PDF.

4. Learn and share knowledge about inspirational girls or women, who have shown how important it is that their voices are heard.

5. Share three ways young people can respond positively when someone is behaving in a way that stops women and girls from being treated equally. This should include telling an adult if someone’s behaviour is making you feel uncomfortable.

6. Thinking about friends and family and your new knowledge, how best would you support them, if they are worried about a relationship or about a friend. What places would you guide them to for support and why?
E.g.      Hull DAP              www.hulldap.co.uk           01482 318759
            The Blue Door     www.thebluedoor.org       0800 197 4787

7. Find a way to creatively share a symbol of the White Ribbon. Share a photo of this with us on your social media and explain what it is about.

Sc, Ex, Ne

Here is the criteria aimed at Scouts, Explorers and Network.

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