Humberside Jamboree Unit 31 West Virginia
Humber Lumberjacks - Canada 2019
Kandersteg - Switzerland
Poacher (International Camp)
Kandersteg in Winter
Humberside World Scout Jamboree Unit 31 - West Virginia 2019
Essex Jamboree from the air
Jungfraujoch - The top of Europe
Humberside Eurojam Contingent - Gdank Poland 2020

International Scouting

Scouting takes place in 216 countries, with a total membership of over 31 million people. International Scouting (often referred to as 'Global') is an important part of the programme for all members of Scouting.

A look back at International Scouting

International Scouting has been a big part of the programme for some time. The first world Scout Jamboree was held in London in 1920, It was after that, that our founder Baden Powell had a dream about a place where all Scouts from all over the world could meet: and have a permanent mini jamboree. His dream came true and now we have an international Scout Centre which is located in Kandersteg, Switzerland.

Scouts in our County get the opportunity to partake in many exciting International adventures and we're looking at ways to increase these opportunities too.

Summer 2019

  • 47 of our members of our County will attend the World Scout Jamboree in West Virginia, USA.
  • Elloughton Cum Brough are taking their Explorers and Scouts to the Lechtal in Austria with Jeka.
  • Pocklington Scouts are visiting the most beautiful campsite (not including Givendale of course) at Kandersteg in Austria.
  • Stamford Bridge Scouts are making use of the conveniently located P & O Ferries to visit Holland.
  • Network members from Blacktoft Beacon District are attending the Pacific Jamboree in Canada.
  • And last, but by no means least, Blacktoft Beacon and Grimsby and Cleethorpes District are seeking high adventure in the Canadian Rockies on their very exciting white water rafting expedition.

Looking Forward

Future adventures are in the planning and preparation phase, here are the one's we already know about: 

Summer 2020

  • 1st and 2nd Brigg are going to the Flow Jamboree in Austria
  • The County is sending a Contingent of 45 to Eurojam in Gdansk, Poland.

Summer 2021

Applications will be opening soon for roles at the World Scout Moot to be held in Dublin during the Summer of 2021.

Summer 2022

We're already talking about a big County trip, somewhere in Europe - there'll be more to come on this as soon as we've sorted out the outline information!

Visits Abroad Form

A copy of the Visits Abroad form which is required by The Scout Association for all International trips can be found here

International Opportunities

The International section of The Scout Association maintains a list of exciting International opportunities, it can be found here

Keep a look out for other County organised adventures.

Further Information

For further information on International Scouting, please get in touch at

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