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Young Leader Training Weekend - Modules E, G & H (and A)

8pm Friday 8th -
12pm Sunday 10th, December 2023

A chance to complete Modules E, G & H of the Young Leader Training Scheme.

This training weekend will deliver Modules A, E, G & H.

We will be staying in indoor accommodation for this weekend. Beds are allocated on a first come first served basis and Young Leaders will sleep in mixed rooms, to allow us to utilise all of the beds available. Separate changing facilities are always available at all times. 

Young Leaders are welcome to bring a tent and camp outside if all they prefer or if all the beds are filled. They can also come and go for the Training Modules and evening activities, but sleep at home. 

Young Leaders do not need to attend every Module on this weekend, just the ones that they require. Please indicate which Modules you need to do when you book on through Online Scout Manager. 

Module Timings


Module A 9:00am - 12:00pm
(Activities will be running during this time for those that don't need Mod A)
Module E 1:30pm - 3:00pm
Module G 3:15pm - 4:45pm
Missions 4:45pm 
If you have completed any Missions and need them signing off, but aren't attending this Training Weekend, then this would be the perfect time to pop in and see us!
Christmas Dinner 6:00pm (ish!)
Evening Entertainment 7:30pm - 10:00pm
We are excited for the return of our legendary YL Generation Game!


Module H 9:00am - 10:30am
Presentations 11:30am


For those Young Leaders who are staying overnight and have already completed Module A, we will be running Archery and Fire Lighting for you to do in this time instead. 

Please ensure you have clothing suitable to take part in these activities - particularly closed toe shoes for Archery.

We will be outside whatever the weather, so please ensure you have suitable clothing and footwear, including waterproofs and walking boots. 

What to bring

Most Young Leaders will be sleeping indoors this weekend, so beds are provided but Young Leaders will need to bring their own sleeping bag.

If you are camping overnight instead, then you will need to provide your own tent and sleeping equipment. 

Many of the activities during the Training Modules will be run outside, so you'll also need walking boots, waterproofs and warm clothes suitable for outdoor activities. 

Full uniform is not required for Young Leader Training. You should wear casual clothing, Scout branded if you wish such as Group or Unit t-shirts and hoodies. Please bring your necker to wear for the presentations on Sunday as these look great in photographs!

All food, pots and utensils are provided, but please bring your own named refillable water bottle to have drinks in throughout the weekend. 

We will be having Christmas Dinner and Christmas party games on Saturday night, so Christmas jumpers or festive outfits are required!

For those who have attended Young Leader training before, please bring your Young Leader Logbook with you. If this will be your first Young Leader training event, then you will be given one at the weekend. 

All electrical items are brought at your own risk. We may ask you to use devices with internet access at certain points during the training modules, such as to find Programme ideas online, otherwise we expect Young Leaders to be respectful of when they use these. 


If you are staying over for the weekend and have completed any Missions in your Young Leader Logbook since we have last seen you, then please bring these along so they can be signed off and we can award you with your certificates and badges. 

If you do not need to complete any more Modules, and just need your Missions signing off, please get in touch to let us know what time to expect you. Saturday afternoon, after Module G has finished would be a perfect opportunity to drop-in!


Explorer Leaders or Section Leaders are welcome to visit any of the training over the weekend. A member of the County Young Leader Support Team will always be available to answer any questions you have.

Just let us know what time you'll be coming so we can have the kettle on!


We use an online system called Online Scout Manager to easily coordinate all our admin for Young Leader Training. It is a safe, secure and GDPR compliant system that saves Leaders a lot of time and it also saves a lot of paper. This system also has a portal for Parents/Guardians to access and provide us with all the details we need, without having to complete any paper forms.

If you have booked onto a Training Weekend through OSM before, and you need to complete one or more of the Modules being delivered on this weekend, then you will receive an email inviting you, direct from OSM.

If you haven't booked on to a YL Training weekend through OSM before, then parents/carers should email Please note, this email must come from a parent/carer, not the Young Leader.

The closing date for bookings is Friday 24th November 2023


Young Leader Training is free of charge to all Young Leaders in Humberside County.

However, you still need to book on via OSM and the County reserve the right to make a charge of £10 per person for any places booked where people do not turn up or cancel prior to the weekend, with short notice. 

Places cancelled after Friday 24th November 2023 are subject to the £10 charge.


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