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Skills Matter 2020

9am Saturday 28th -
12pm Sunday 29th, March 2020

It doesn’t matter whether you have 40 years experience in Scouting or have just attended your Appointments Panel. We all have skills to pass on, and we all have skills to learn.

Do you excel at certain Scouting skills?
Would you like to pass those skills on?
Would you like to learn from others?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then Skills Matter is the event for you.

What is it?

An opportunity to learn new skills, pass your skills on and network with Leaders from all over the County.

This is also a social occasion as well to catch up with friends, make new ones and have an enjoyable time.

It doesn’t matter whether you have 40 years experience in Scouting or have just attended your Appointments Panel. We all have skills to pass on, and we all have skills to learn.

This event is open to leaders from ALL our sections: Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Explorers & Network.

What do we do?

Leaders are invited to stay over on the Saturday night or you may just attend for the day.

Bring your tents and hammocks or if you wish just camp out under the stars. You’re also welcome to camp on the Friday evening if you wish.

We are currently creating the list of skills for the weekend. However if you have a skill to share or would like to learn a specific skill, then please get in touch!

Costs and Refreshments

Skills Matter is being funded by Humberside Scouts and will include Saturday Lunch, a barbecue on the Saturday evening, Sunday Breakfast and refreshments throughout the weekend.

Bookings and Enquiries

Please book by completing the form at the bottom of the page.

For any questions or enquiries please contact:
John Ratcliffe
Event Organiser

Health Forms

Health forms can be downloaded below. These need to be completed and handed in on arrival.

Modules Covered

99 Other / Specific Training

Training Booking Form

Skills Matter 2020

Modules Attending

Your Details

Your Scouting Details

Your Needs

Your Emergency Contact

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