Rememberance 2023

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Humberside Scouts


Remembrance 2023

Today, groups across Humberside joined in various Remembrance Day services in their local areas and we are filled with immense pride. Seeing the photos and hearing the stories of our young people participating with such respect and solemnity is truly heartwarming.

Our Scouts, Squirrels, Beavers, Cubs, Explorers and Network, alongside our dedicated Leaders and Volunteers, have been an integral part of commemorations. They have laid wreaths, observed moments of silence, and taken part in services with a maturity and reverence that goes beyond their years.

Seeing our young members stand in contemplation, wearing their uniforms and poppies with pride, reminds us of the continuous thread of service and citizenship that runs through the heart of Scouting. "Lest We Forget" - these words echo the deep respect and gratitude we feel today for our armed forces.

We are incredibly proud of each and every one of our members for representing the true spirit of Scouting on this significant day. Your conduct and dedication are an inspiration to us all.

Together, we remember. Together, we are proud.


Above is just a small selection of some of the photos of our amazing Young People and Volunteers shared on social media.

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