
Blacktoft Beacon Lead Volunteer

Josh Morablanco.jpeg

After a long search process, I am delighted to announce that Josh Morablanco has been appointed as Lead Volunteer for Blacktoft Beacon Scout District.

Josh will take over the role from Alan Hayward (Acting Lead Volunteer) from the beginning of September. Alan will continue to support the District in the interim time and will also be assisting Josh during the transition period 

Josh is looking forward to getting started with the role and will be initially getting to know people and ensuring things are in place for the digital transformation, scheduled for the coming term.

I am sure you will join me in congratulating Josh on his appointment as he takes on the leadership at a busy time for Scouting and thanking Alan for the time he has given to supporting the District during his tenure as Acting Lead Volunteer.

Gary McCune
COunty Lead Volunteer

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