Lead Volunteers North Lincolnshire

Following Alan's decision to stand down from his role, we have been searching for a replacement District Lead Volunteer for North Lincolnshire District and I am delighted to share that we have appointed both Joe Jordan and Becky Brown-Simpson to the role, which they will share.
Joe and Becky will take over the role officially from the 1st November and will work with Alan Smith on the handover of the District.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank Alan for this time and dedication to the role of District Commissioner / Lead Volunteer over the last five years and wish him well for the future. Alan has no plans to be a stranger within the District, so I'm sure there'll be plenty of opportunity to catch up and see him around in the future.
I am sure you will join me in wishing Joe and Becky every success In their new roles.
Kind Regards
Gary McCune
County Lead Volunteer
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