Programme Sparks
61. Scout Apprentice
Resources |
Time |
A few meetings, ending with a fair. |
Programme Spark |
In order to provide the amazing fun, challenge and adventure we offer to our Sections, we often have to do a lot of fundraising. This Spark will put your young people at the heart of this, giving them ownership of the funds they raise. First, decide what you are fundraising for, it could be a specific trip or event, or for maintenance of your HQ. Next, split your young people into teams and assign the following roles:
Now they need to come up with a product to make and sell at the Fair, that will cover their expenditure costs and make a healthy profit. At this point you could invite local business people to come and speak to Team members with specific roles to give them an idea of how it works in a real business. Over a few weeks the Teams will need to make and advertise their product ready for the Fair. They could advertise to friend and families in other sections or to the public, ensuring people will come to the Fair and buy their product. On the day of the Fair, the Team that has made the most profit wins and could even be 'hired' onto your Group's fundraising committee! You could even invite a member of the District or County Team down to be Lord Sugar... |
Adapting for each Section |
Badge Links |
Beavers and Cubs may want to work on this as a whole Section, splitting into sub-teams to cover the roles. Scouts and Explorers should be able to manage themselves, with support from adults where needed. |
Can the activity be run through Peer Leadership? | Yes | ||
Can the activity be run by Young Leaders? | Yes |
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